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Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 34(1): 69-75, ene.-mar. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565546


RESUMEN El diseño asistido por computadora y la fabricación asistida por ordenador (CAD-CAM, por sus siglas en inglés) se ha aplicado en odontología para la confección y el análisis de diversos tratamientos dentales. Inicia con la captura de imágenes a través de escáneres intraorales, contando con diversos tipos de softwares y sistemas de exportación de imágenes y tecnología. Las ventajas de este flujo de trabajo digital son el mejor ajuste, el empleo de menor tiempo clínico y la celeridad en tratamientos dentales, además de que brinda una mayor practicidad en el uso de los cirujanos dentistas. La precisión que brinda es clínicamente aceptable en comparación con los métodos convencionales, por lo cual existe suficiente evidencia para su validez; sin embargo, se debe tener en cuenta que diversos factores pueden alterar el resultado, como la experiencia del operador, el tipo de escáner, el tipo de software, la actualización del software, el principio de escaneo del escáner, el ambiente, la secuencia de escaneo y las estructuras bucales. El presente artículo de revisión tiene como objetivo analizar la literatura sobre las diferentes características y propiedades que presentan los escáneres intraorales en la actualidad, así como la evidencia de los posibles beneficios y la precisión de las técnicas de impresión digital frente a las técnicas de impresión convencionales.

ABSTRACT Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) has been applied in dentistry for the preparation and analysis of various dental treatments. It starts with capturing images through intraoral scanners, having different types of software and image export systems and technology. The advantages of this digital workflow are the following: better adjustment, shorter clinical time, and speed in dental treatments, in addition to providing greater practicality for dental surgeons. The accuracy he provide is clinically acceptable in comparison with conventional methods, so there is sufficient evidence for their validity; however, it should be taken into account that several factors can alter the result, such as the operator's experience, the type of scanner, the type of software, the software update, the scanning principle of the scanner, the environment, the scanning sequence, and the oral structures. The present review article aims to analyze the literature on the different characteristics and properties that intraoral scanners present today and the evidence of the potential benefits and accuracy of digital impression techniques versus conventional impression techniques.

RESUMO O desenho assistido por computador e o fabrico assistido por computador (CAD-CAM) têm sido aplicados na medicina dentária para a preparação e análise de vários tratamentos dentários. Começa com a captura de imagens através de scanners intraorais, com vários tipos de software e sistemas e tecnologia de exportação de imagens. As vantagens deste fluxo de trabalho digital são as seguintes: melhor ajuste, menor tempo clínico, rapidez nos tratamentos dentários, além de proporcionar maior praticidade no uso dos cirurgiões-dentistas. A precisão que proporcionam é clinicamente aceitável quando comparada com os métodos convencionais, pelo que existem evidências suficientes para a sua validade; no entanto, deve ter-se em conta que vários fatores podem alterar o resultado, tais como a experiência do operador, o tipo de scanner, o tipo de software, a atualização do software, o princípio de digitalização do scanner, o ambiente, a sequência de digitalização e as estruturas orais. Este artigo de revisão tem como objetivo analisar a literatura sobre as diferentes características e propriedades dos scanners intraorais atuais, bem como a evidência dos potenciais benefícios e precisão das técnicas de moldagem digital em comparação com as técnicas de moldagem convencionais.

Odontoestomatol ; 26(43)2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558608


Objetivo. Comparar la estabilidad dimensional de un hidrocoloide irreversible de vaciado convencional con hidrocoloides irreversibles de vaciado extendido. Metodología. Fueron evaluados cuatro productos con indicación de vaciado extendido: Jeltrate Plus (Denstply Sirona), Hydrogum 5 (Zhermack SpA), Algimax (Major), Kromopan (Lascod) y un producto de vaciado convencional (Tropicalgin; Zhermack SpA). Con cada producto se realizaron 10 impresiones y se vaciaron en yeso tipo III en cinco tiempos de almacenamiento diferentes (0, 24, 96, 120 y 168 horas). Un escáner para modelos tridimensionales se utilizó para digitalizar los modelos de yeso y realizar las mediciones correspondientes: sumatoria de las longitudes, variabilidad dimensional, porcentaje de variabilidad. Resultados. Las cinco marcas comerciales presentaron una sumatoria de longitudes mayor al grupo control (p<0,033). A las 0, 24 y 96h Tropicalgin e Hydrogum 5 presentaron significativamente menor variación dimensional en comparación con el modelo maestro (p<0,001). Los porcentajes de variabilidad oscilaron entre un 0.24 a 0.91%. Conclusiones. La estabilidad dimensional depende del producto utilizado. Almacenado correctamente, el hidrocoloide irreversible de vaciado convencional parece no sufrir alteraciones significativas hasta 96h, mientras que en el caso de Hydrogum 5 parece mantener su estabilidad dimensional hasta 168h.

Objetivo. Comparar a estabilidade dimensional de um hidrocolóide irreversível de vazamento convencional com hidrocolóides irreversíveis de vazamento prolongado. Metodologia. Foram avaliados quatro produtos com indicação de vazamento estendido: Jeltrate Plus (Denstply Sirona), Hydrogum 5 (Zhermack SpA), Algimax (Major), Kromopan (Lascod) e um produto de vaziamento convencional (Tropicalgin; Zhermack SpA). Para cada produto foram feitas 10 impressões e vazadas em gesso tipo III em cinco tempos de armazenamento diferentes (0, 24, 96, 120 e 168 horas). Um scanner de modelos tridimensionais foi utilizado para digitalizar os modelos de gesso e fazer as medições correspondentes: soma dos comprimentos, variabilidade dimensional, percentagem de variabilidade. Resultados. As cinco marcas comerciais apresentaram somatório de comprimentos maior que o grupo controle (p<0,033). Nos tempos 0, 24 e 96h Tropicalgin e Hydrogum 5 apresentaram variação dimensional significativamente menor em comparação ao modelo Mestre (p<0,001). Os percentuais de variabilidade variaram de 0,24 a 0,91%. Conclusões. A estabilidade dimensional depende do produto utilizado. Armazenado corretamente, o hidrocolóide irreversível de vaziamento convencional convencionalmente parece não sofrer alterações significativas até 96h, enquanto no caso do Hydrogum 5 parece manter sua estabilidade dimensional até 168h.

Aim . Compare the dimensional stability of a conventional pouring irreversible hydrocolloid with extended pouring irreversible hydrocolloids. Methodology. Four products with extended emptying indication were evaluated: Jeltrate Plus (Denstply Sirona), Hydrogum 5 (Zhermack SpA), Algimax (Major), Kromopan (Lascod) and a conventional emptying product (Tropicalgin; Zhermack SpA). For each product, 10 impressions were made and cast in type III plaster at five different storage times (0, 24, 96, 120 and 168 hours). A three-dimensional model scanner was used to digitize the plaster models and make the corresponding measurements: sum of lengths, dimensional variability, percentage of variability. Results . The five commercial brands presented a greater sum of lengths than the control group (p<0,033). At 0, 24 and 96h Tropicalgin and Hydrogum 5 presented significantly less dimensional variation compared to the master model (p<0,001). The variability percentages ranged from 0.24 to 0.91%. Conclusions. Dimensional stability depends on the product used. Stored correctly, the conventionally cast irreversible hydrocolloid appears not to undergo significant alterations up to 96h, while in the case of Hydrogum 5 it appears to maintain its dimensional stability up to 168h.

Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 37: e047, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1439732


Abstract To evaluate the feasibility of using a milled polyetheretherketone (PEEK) post and core in endodontically treated teeth with or without a ferrule. Sixty bovine tooth roots were endodontically treated followed by cementation of intraradicular retainers (IR), according to each experimental group: a) non-ferrule glass fiber post (f0FP); b) 2-mm-ferrule glass fiber post (f2FP); c) non-ferrule resized glass fiber post (f0PR); d) 2-mm-ferrule resized glass fiber post (f2PR); e) non-ferrule PEEK post and core (f0PPC); and f) 2-mm-ferrule PEEK post and core (f2PPC). Metal crowns were made and cemented. A periodontal ligament was simulated using polyether. A force was applied to the palatine portion of each sample at 45°, until fracture. Fracture resistance data were submitted to two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (α = 0.05). Three-dimensional digital models were developed to calculate the tensions formed in the root using finite element analysis. Models of glass fiber posts and PEEK posts and cores were evaluated with or without a ferrule. The results were analyzed by the Mohr-Coulomb criterion. The type of IR was not influenced by fracture strength (p = 0.243). There were significant statistical differences among the remaining factors. Ferrule groups had greater fracture resistance, and the failure mode of teeth with a ferrule was more catastrophic than the non-ferrule group. A ferrule increases fracture resistance and influences failure mode; the PEEK post and core did not modify the biomechanics of endodontically treated teeth, and resembled the glass fiber post results. The crack initiation point differed between the ferrule and non-ferrule groups.

Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 26(3): e2119251, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1286213


ABSTRACT Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the dimensional stability and maintenance of details of conventional and high stability alginates up to 5-day storage. Methods: Two types of alginates were selected (n=10) for this study, conventional (Hydrogum) and high stability alginates (Hydrogum 5), which were produced with the aid of a cylindrical metal block and a ring-shaped metal mold (Specifications 18, 19, and 25, ANSI/ADA). Ten images were obtained from the molds for the dimensional stability test, which were taken immediately after their production and at each different storage periods (15 min, 24 h, 48 h, 72 h, 96 h, and 120 h) by a digital camera. The specimens were kept hermetically sealed in plastic bags (23°C) and then used to obtain 140 (n=70) dental stone models, used in the detail reproduction test, in which the angular accuracy of three grooves (20 µm, 50 µm, and 75 µm) was observed at each period. The details reproduction accuracy was classified using a predetermined score classification. Measurements of dimensional changes were made in the Corel DRAW X6 program. The data were submitted to the Student's t-test (α?#8197;= 0.05). Results: A statistically significant difference concerning the size of the matrix was observed after 24h for both alginates, and a statistically significant negative linear dimensional change (contraction) was verified after 24 h of storage (1.52% for the high stability alginate, and 1.32% for the conventional alginate). The high stability alginate kept the full details for 72 hours, while the conventional alginate, for 24 h. Both alginates reproduced the 75 µm groove at all storage periods. Conclusion: Impressions made with both alginates presented satisfactory clinical results when the alginates were immediately poured.

RESUMO Objetivo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a estabilidade dimensional e manutenção de detalhes de alginatos convencionais e de alta estabilidade por até 5 dias de armazenamento. Métodos: Para esse estudo, foram selecionados dois tipos de alginatos: convencional (Hydrogum) (n = 10) e de alta estabilidade (Hydrogum 5) (n = 10), sendo produzidos com o auxílio de um bloco metálico cilíndrico e um molde metálico em forma de anel (especificações 18, 19 e 25, ANSI/ADA). Para o teste de estabilidade dimensional, dez imagens foram obtidas imediatamente e para cada tempo de armazenamento (15 min, 24, 48, 72, 96 e 120 horas), realizadas por câmera digital. As amostras foram mantidas hermeticamente fechadas em sacos plásticos (23°C). Para o teste de reprodução de detalhes, as amostras foram utilizadas para obter 140 (n = 70 por grupo) modelos de gesso, sendo observada a precisão angular de três sulcos (20 µm, 50 µm e 75 µm) para cada período. A precisão da reprodução de detalhes foi classificada usando uma classificação de pontuação predeterminada. As medições das mudanças dimensionais foram feitas no programa Corel DRAW X6. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste t de Student (α = 0,05). Resultados: Foi observada diferença estatística em relação à matriz após 24h para ambos os alginatos. Uma mudança dimensional linear negativa estatisticamente significativa (contração) foi verificada após 24 h de armazenamento (1,52% para alginato de alta estabilidade; 1,32% para alginato convencional). O alginato de alta estabilidade manteve os detalhes completos por até 72 horas, enquanto o alginato convencional, por 24 horas. Os alginatos reproduziram o sulco de 75 µm para todos os períodos. Conclusão: As impressões feitas com ambos os alginatos devem ser imediatamente vazadas para se ter resultados clínicos satisfatórios.

Humans , Dental Impression Technique , Dental Impression Materials , Materials Testing , Models, Dental , Alginates
Acta odontol. latinoam ; 33(3): 221-227, Dec. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278208


ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate the precision and accuracy of molds made with four commercial brands of alginate scanned at different times using digital model analysis. Eighty molds of a standard Typodont were made using 4 types of alginate (CCC: Cavex Color Change; IA: Identic Alginate; HY5: Hydrogum 5 and JP: Jeltrate Plus). The molds were scanned at four times: immediately (T1), 24h (T2), 72h (T3) and 120h (T4) after molding. Measurements were taken in three dimensions: anteroposterior, transverse and vertical. Significant differences in dimensional changes were noted between the materials over time (p <0.05). Anteroposterior dimensional variation was noted between times, especially for IA and JP. For transverse and vertical variables, a difference was found between the groups, especially at 24 h, 72 h and 120 h. CCC presented significant dimensional shrinkage only at T120 (transverse). IA and JP presented larger dimensional distortions in the vertical measurements. The molding materials used were not dimensionally stable when evaluated after 120 hours of molding. However, such evidence suggests that alginates with longer storage time, such as Cavex Color Change, are more accurate than conventional alginates.

RESUMO O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a precisao e acurácia por meio de análise de modelos digitais de moldes digitalizados obtidos com quatro marcas comerciais de alginato em diferentes tempos. Oitenta moldes de um Typodont padrao foram obtidos utilizando 4 tipos de alginato (CCC: Cavex Color Change; IA: Identic Alginate; HY5: Hydrogum 5 e JP: Jeltrate Plus). Os moldes foram escaneados em quatro tempos: mediatamente (T1), 24h (T2), 72h (T3) e 120h (T4) após a moldagem. As medidas foram feitas em très dimensoes: ântero-posterior, transversal e vertical. Diferenças significativas nas mudanças dimensionais foram observadas entre os materiais ao longo do tempo (p <0,05). Variação dimensional ântero-posterior foi observada entre os tempos, principalmente para IA e JP. Para as variáveis transversal e vertical houve diferenga entre os grupos, principalmente em 24h, 72h e 120h. CCC apresentou contração dimensional significativa apenas em T120 (transversal). IA e JP apresentaram maiores distorções dimensionais na vertical. Os materiais de moldagem utilizados nao foram dimensionalmente estáveis quando avaliados após 120 horas de moldagem. No entanto, tais evidencias sugerem que os alginatos com maior tempo de armazenamento, como Cavex Color Change, sao mais precisos do que os alginatos convencionais.

Humans , Dental Impression Materials/chemistry , Models, Dental , Alginates/chemistry , Materials Testing , Dental Impression Technique
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 57(4): e3016, Oct.-Dec. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1144446


ABSTRACT Introduction: The passivity of prosthetic components is one of the most important prerequisites in oral implant rehabilitation for maintenance of osseointegration. Objective: Thus, the present study analyzed in vitro the accuracy of different molding techniques in prosthetic rehabilitation on angled implants installed in an anatomical model of a metallic edentulous maxilla. Methods: Laboratory experiment study. A reference metal model of an edentulous maxilla was used. A metal framework was used for the misadaptation assessment. Three groups (n= 10) were compared and impressions were made with vinyl-polysiloxane and casts were obtained with type IV stone: (1) Impression with a metallic open-tray without splinted transfers; (2) Impression with a metallic open-tray and metal splinted transfers; (3) Impression with a multifunctional guide and metal splinted transfers. Misadaptation was assessed with the aid of a stereomicroscope and measuring software. Data were submitted to ANOVA with Welch correction and the Games-Howell post-hoc test with the significance set at 5 percent. Results: Misadaptation (µm) was 110,23 ± 30,94, 37,53 ± 3,92, and 37,69 ± 2,79 for the the groups. Statistically significant differences between impression with a metallic open-tray with and without splinted transfers were observed (p < 0,001). No significant differences between the other types of impression. Conclusions: Impression with a metallic open-tray without splinted transfers and with a multifunctional guide splinted with metal transfers were the most precise methods resulting in higher accuracy in transferred implants(AU)

RESUMEN Introducción: La pasividad de los componentes protésicos es uno de los prerrequisitos más importantes para el mantenimiento de la osteointegración en la rehabilitación oral sobre implantes. Objetivo: Evaluar in vitro la precisión de diferentes técnicas de impresión en rehabilitación sobre implantes inclinados instalados en un modelo anatómico de un maxilar metálico desdentado. Métodos: Estudio de laboratorio de tipo experimental. Se utilizó un modelo metálico de referencia de un maxilar desdentado. Fue utilizada una barra metálica para la evaluación de la desadaptación. Se compararon tres grupos (n = 10), se realizaron impresiones con polivinilsiloxano y se obtuvieron modelos con yeso piedra tipo IV: (1) impresión con una cubeta metálica abierta sin unión de los transferentes; (2) impresión con una cubeta metálica abierta y unión de los transferentes con cilindros metálicos; (3) impresión con una guía multifuncional y unión de los transferentes con cilindros metálicos. La desadaptación se evaluó con la ayuda de un microscopio estereoscópico y un software de medición. Los datos se enviaron a ANOVA con la corrección de Welch y la prueba post-hoc de Games-Howell con la significación establecida en 5 por ciento. Resultados: La desadaptación (µm) fue de 110,23 ± 30,94; 37,53 ± 3,92 y 37,69 ± 2,79 para los grupos, respectivamente. Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre la impresión con cubeta abierta metálica con y sin unión de los transferentes (p <0,001). No hubo diferencias significativas entre los otros tipos de impresiones. Conclusiones: La impresión con cubeta abierta metálica sin unión de los transferentes y con una guía multifuncional con unión de los transferentes con cilindros metálicos fueron los métodos más precisos que dieron como resultado una mayor precisión en la transferencia de la posición de los implantes(AU)

Humans , Dental Implantation/methods , Dental Impression Materials/adverse effects , Dental Materials/therapeutic use
ROBRAC ; 28(85): 62-67, abr./jun. 2019. Ilus, Tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1049234


Objetivo: Comparar diferentes técnicas de moldagem com silicone de adição, quanto à precisão e fidelidade da cópia através de medidas manuais e sobreposição em CAD/CAM. Material e método: Foram realizadas 4 moldagens com silicone de adição de um mesmo modelo nas seguintes técnicas: T1 ­ dois passos com recorte; T2 ­ dois passos com alívio de filme PVC; T3 ­ dois passos sem alívio e T4 - simultânea. A fidelidade das 4 técnicas de moldagem foi avaliada por meio de mensurações de 5 dimensões nos modelos de gesso vazados em cada um dos moldes obtidos. Outra forma de análise foi a sobreposição de imagens no CAD/CAM, com a finalidade de verificar se há semelhanças ou diferenças dimensionais entre o modelo piloto e as amostras. As medidas obtidas foram submetidas ao teste ANOVA com comparações múltiplas pelo teste de Tukey (α=0,05). Resultados: De acordo com as mensurações, a técnica que apresentou maior discordância do modelo piloto foi a T4, não havendo diferença entre as outras técnicas. Na avaliação em CAD/CAM, as técnicas T4 e T3 apresentaram maiores diferenças em relação ao modelo original de acordo com as imagens sobrepostas. Conclusões: Todas as técnicas estudadas apresentaram alterações dimensionais, em especial a técnica simultânea e a sem alívio, tanto nas medidas obtidas quanto na análise em CAD/CAM.

Objetives: To compare different impression techniques with addition silicone, by means of copy accuracy through manual measurements and overlaping in CAD/CAM. Material and methods: Four impressions of a same pilot model were carried out with silicone addition in different techniques: T1 ­ two steps with cut-back; T2 ­ two steps with PVC film relief; T3 ­ two steps without relief; and T4 ­ one step. The accuracy of the 4 different impression techniques was assessed by measuring 5 dimensions on stone casts poured from the impressions of the pilot model. Another analysis was carried out in CAD/CAM using the overlaping of the casts and the pilot model, in order to verify dimensional similarities and differences between them. The values obtained were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test, for multiple comparisons (α=0.05). Results: According to the measures done, the technique that generated the greatest difference from the pilot model was T4, with no difference among the other techniques. In CAD/CAM analysis, techniques T4 and T3 presented more differences from the original model. Conclusions: All studied techniques presented dimensional changes, mainly the 1 step and the 2 step without relief, in both methods, measures and CAD/CAM analysis.

Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 19(1): 4137, 01 Fevereiro 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-998205


Objective: To evaluate the dimensional changes in three types of alginate following three different delay times after casting. Material and Methods: In this laboratory study, a maxillary arch-shaped stainless steel model was prepared and three pins with similar and determined diameters and heights were placed (one at mid-line and two on the underside of the model) as reference points to compare the dimensional stability of the three types of alginates. A special metal tray was made from the main model. The main moldel was imprisoned by the metal tray, and these were kept for a specific time in a humid environment. Gypsum Type 4 was poured over the impression to obtain 90 gypsum casts for three types of alginate. The dimensions of casts obtained from each alginate were compared in two lateral and anterior-posterior dimensions, they were compared with each other, and the alginates were also compared to the main model. Results: At a time interval of 15 minutes, the dimensional accuracy of the casts obtained from the three types of alginates, with the main model in both anterior-posterior and transverse dimensions was not significantly different (p<0.05); but there was a significant difference at 60 minutes and 24 hours in both dimensions (p<0.05). Although there was no significant difference between the alginates in both dimensions and all three studied time periods, the least difference with the main model was related to Zhermack and the highest difference was related to Golchai alginates. Pairwise comparisons showed that none of the samples had a significant difference in terms of dimensions. Conclusion: The dimensional stability of alginate was a time-dependent type of alginate and had no significant effect on the dimensional accuracy of casts.

Dental Impression Technique , Models, Dental , Alginates , Dimensional Measurement Accuracy , Analysis of Variance , Dental Impression Materials , Iran
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 19(1): 4474, 01 Fevereiro 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-998256


Objective: To evaluate the change of diameter of different injection-molded thermoplastic materials. Material and Methods: Four thermoplastic injection-molded materials were analyzed (Bre.flex 2nd edition, Vertex ThermoSens, Perflex Biosens and Polyan IC). A total of 432 test samples were made in the form of an "hourglass". All samples were divided into three groups: Group I (Control) - consisting of 36 test samples for each type of material, that was not exposed to artificial aging or a wet environment; Group II - consisting of 36 test samples for each type of material, that were artificially aged through dehydration; Group III - specimen were subjected to artificial aging without dehydration. The diameter of each specimen was measured with a digital caliper. Data were analysed using the Student's t-test. Results: Regarding to shrinkage, the samples from the Bf Control group have a mean value of 1.56 mm and was observed a shrinkage of the injection-molded polyamide material within 0.25%. The comparison between the samples from Group II and Group III showed statistically significant differences (p<0.001). There were no significant differences between groups for Thermosens and Biosens (p>0.05). The comparison between Group II and Group III for Polyan IC samples shows that Group III has a higher arithmetic mean value (p<0.01). Conclusion: Shrinkage of the polymers during the injection process is present in all materials. The thermocycling and the storage in a dry or in a wet environment of the samples results in a change of the diameter in almost every single type of material.

Dental Prosthesis , Dental Impression Materials , Denture Bases , Materials Science , Bulgaria , Data Interpretation, Statistical
HU rev ; 45(2): 156-164, 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1048781


Introdução: O envelhecimento da população aumenta a necessidade de reabilitação protética e o custo do atendimento odontológico. Para reabilitar com qualidade e baixo custo é necessário conhecer os materiais odontológicos desse processo, como os materiais de moldagem. O mais utilizado no Brasil é a silicona de condensação, que possui limitações. Porém, o fabricante modificou a fórmula com o intuito de melhorar a estabilidade dimensional. Objetivo: avaliar a estabilidade dimensional da silicona de condensação Speedex com a nova tecnologia DCP, em diferentes tempos de vazamento nas moldagens para prótese fixa. Material e métodos: Foi confeccionado um modelo padrão metálico com dois cilindros de mesmos diâmetros e mesma altura para simular uma prótese fixa. Foi elaborada uma moldeira metálica padronizada com retenções e guias de inserção. A partir dessa, outras quatro, em acrílico incolor, foram reproduzidas pelo alginato reversível. No total, foram realizadas 20 impressões, sendo 5 impressões por grupo. Os grupos foram vazados com o gesso tipo IV em diferentes tempos: grupo 1 (n=5): imediato; grupo 2 (n=5): 30 min; grupo 3 (n=5): 36h; grupo 4 (n=5): 72h. O modelo padrão e todos os modelos de gesso do grupo 1, 2, 3 e 4 foram medidos por dois pesquisadores de forma cega com auxílio de um paquímetro digital. Foram analisadas as distâncias externas e internas entre os pontos de referência dos cilindros. Os grupos foram comparados pelo teste t de Student, o nível de significância considerado foi p<0,05. Resultados: não se observou diferença estatística entre as medidas do pesquisador 1 e 2 (p>0,05). Não houveram diferenças entre os grupos 1 e 2 e 1 e 3; porém houve diferença significativa entre o 1 e 4. Conclusão: A silicona de condensação Speedex, não altera a estabilidade dimensional com o vazamento em até 36 horas.

Introduction: The aging of the population increases the need for prosthetic rehabilitation and the cost of dental care. To rehabilitate with quality and low cost is necessary to know the dental materials of this process, such as impression materials. The most used in Brazil is condensation silicon, which has limitations. However, the manufacturer modified the formula to improve dimensional stability. Objective: To evaluate the dimensional stability of Speedex condensation silicon with the new DCP technology at different casting times in fixed prosthesis moldings. Material and methods: A standard metal model with two cylinders of the same diameters and the same height was made to simulate a fixed prosthesis. A standard metal tray with drawers and insertion guides was developed. This metal tray was duplicated using reversible alginate. From this, four colorless acrylic trays were reproduced. In total, 20 impressions were made, with 5 impressions per group. The groups were cast with type IV gypsum at different times: group 1 (n=5): immediate; Group 2 (n=5): 30 min; group 3 (n=5): 36h; group 4 (n=5): 72h. The standard model and all gypsum models of groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 were measured by two researchers blindly using a digital caliper. The external and internal distances between the reference points of the cylinders were analyzed. The groups were compared by Student's t test, the significance level considered was p<0.05. Results: no statistically significant difference was found between researcher 1 and 2 by (p<0.05). There were no differences between groups 1 and 2 and 1 and 3; however, there was a significant difference between 1 and 4. Conclusion: Speedex condensing silicone does not change dimensional stability with leakage within 36 hours. Key-words: Dental Impression Materials, Dental Prosthesis, Silicone Elastomers. Submetido: 14/06/2019Aceito: 16/08/2019 Rebeca Vidal Capelupi1,2,Viviam Salvato de Souza1,2,Marcelo Tarcísio Martins1,Júlio Marcos Gouvêa Chagas1,Rogério Teodoro de Aquino3,Thalyta dos Reis Furlani Zouain-Ferreira1,Fabiana Aparecida Mayrink de Oliveira1,21Faculdade de Ciências Médicas e da Saúde de Juiz de Fora, Curso de Odontologia ­ Juiz de Fora, MG. 2Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica (PIBIC) ­ FCMS/JF 2018.2 3Usinagem Mecânica Industrial, SENAI, Juiz de Fora, MG. Avaliação da estabilidade dimensional da silicona de condensação em diferentes tempos de vazamento em moldagens para prótese fixaEvaluation of the dimensional stability of the condensation silico-ne in different leakage times in moldings for fixed prosthesis * Fabiana de OliveiraAvenida Barão do Rio Branco, 1871/1105, CentroJuiz de Fora ­ MG CEP: 36013-020 8

Humans , Male , Female , Silicone Elastomers , Aging , Dental Prosthesis , Dental Impression Materials , Denturists , Mouth Rehabilitation
Braz. j. oral sci ; 18: e191603, jan.-dez. 2019. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1095171


Aim: To evaluate the marginal adaptation of provisional crowns made of acrylic and bisacrylic resins using different impression materials. Methods: a metal die and a matrix applied through a direct technique were used to fabricate the specimens. The impression materials used as a matrix were divided into four groups: Irreversible hydrocolloid(IH), laboratory silicone (LS), condensation silicone (CS), and addition silicone (AS). After the impression procedures, each matrix was loaded with the provisional prosthetic materials, Alike, Duralay, Protemp 4, and Structur 3 (n = 12). Marginal discrepancy was evaluated using a stereomicroscope at ×45 magnification. The images obtained were transferred to the Corel Draw X7 program, and the distances from the cervical margins of the specimen to the reference lines at the metal die were measured vertically. The data were analyzed by using 2-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey test (α=.05). Results: the acrylic resins had higher values ​​of marginal discrepancy compared to the bisacrylic resins. A statistically significant difference was found between all impression materials, and the irreversible hydrocolloid presented higher values of discrepancy (303.28­613.31 µm), whereas addition silicone had the lowest (48.61­190.06 µm). Conclusions: the bisacrylic resins had a better marginal adaptation compared to the acrylic resins. The addition silicone promoted a better marginal adaptation of the provisional prosthetic materials tested, followed by condensation silicone, laboratory silicone, and irreversible hydrocolloid

Dental Marginal Adaptation , Dental Impression Materials , Dental Restoration, Temporary
Braz. j. oral sci ; 18: e191692, jan.-dez. 2019. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1095302


Aim: This study compared impression techniques and double pouring by means of cast's accuracy. Methods: For each patient (n=10), impressions from right maxillary canine to first molar were made with acrylic resin trays and vinyl-polysiloxane using one single-step, and four two-steps techniques: relief with poly(vinyl chloride) film; tungsten-carbide bur/scalpel blade; small movements of the tray; non-relief. Total visible buccal surface area of crowns was measured three times using photographs from patients (Baseline) and casts. Mean area values (mm2) between Baseline and casts differences were analyzed by two-way repeated-measures ANOVA (α=.05; 1-ß=85%). Results: No significant differences were observed for Impression Techniques (P=.525), Double Pouring (P=.281), and their interaction (P=.809). Conclusion: All impression techniques and double pouring produced casts with similar accuracy

Humans , Male , Female , Dental Impression Technique , Photography, Dental , Dental Impression Materials , Dimensional Measurement Accuracy
Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 48: e20190064, 2019. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1043186


Abstract Introduction Making accurate and dimensionally stable impressions to duplicate oral conditions and tooth morphology is an essential step of prosthetic dentistry for fabricating well-fitted indirect restorations and, consequently, ensure the longevity and success of the treatment. Several authors describe pros and cons of different impression techniques, although there is no unanimity among them about the best one. Objective This study evaluated casts' accuracy made by different impression techniques, trays and materials. Material and method 10 patients were selected and 20 impressions from teeth #13 to #16 were performed using single-step (SS) and two-step techniques, made with metal stock and customized acrylic resin partial trays, vinyl polysiloxane and condensation silicone rubbers. Type IV gypsum was used to pour the casts. Three photographs of each patient (baseline), as their respective gypsum casts, were taken, measured in their interested buccal surface area. Comparisons of area values among experimental groups and baseline were performed. Data showed adherence to normal curve, being submitted to 3-way ANOVA/Bonferroni test (α=.05). Result Technique produced significant differences (P=0.02). SS technique was more accurate than BUR one (P=0.003; 95=1.22 to 5.98), but both resulted in similar casts to PVC, MOV and NR techniques, which were similar to each other (P>0.05). Conclusion SS technique showed the closest absolute values to baseline.

Resumo Introdução Realizar moldagens precisas e dimensionalmente estáveis que dupliquem a condição oral é um passo essencial para a confecção de restaurações indiretas de qualidade, garantindo seu sucesso e longevidade. Diversos estudos tem demonstrado os prós e contras de diferentes técnicas de moldagem, mas nenhum consenso da melhor técnica ainda foi descrito. Objetivo Este estudo avaliou a exatidão de modelos de gesso confeccionados por diferentes técnicas de moldagem, moldeiras e materiais. Material e método 10 pacientes foram selecionados e 20 moldes dos dentes #13 até #16 foram realizados utilizando técnicas simultânea (SS) e de dois passos, realizados com moldeiras parciais metálicas e individuais de resina acrílica, silicones de adição e condensação. Gesso tipo IV foi usados para os vazamentos. Três fotografias de cada paciente (baseline), assim como dos seus respectivos modelos de gesso foram realizadas e sua área foi então mensurada, na porção vestibular. Comparações de valores de área entre os grupos experimentais e o baseline foram performadas. Os dados mostraram aderência a curva normal, sendo submetidos ao teste 3-way ANOVA/Bonferroni (α=.05). Resultado As técnicas produziram diferenças significativas (P=0.02).Técnica simultânea foi mais precisa que a BUR (P=0.0003; 95=1,22 a 5.98), mas ambas resultaram em modelos similares àqueles feitos por meio das técnicas de PVC, MOV e sem NR, que foram similares entre si (P>0.05). Conclusão Técnica simultânea demonstrou valores absolutos similares àqueles demonstrados pelo baseline.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Silicone Elastomers , Dental Impression Technique , Dental Impression Materials , Acrylic Resins
Rev. odontol. Univ. Cid. São Paulo (Online) ; 30(2): 157-168, abr.-jun. 2018. tab.; ilus.; graf.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-966165


En prótesis fija la integridad marginal o perfección del margen es de suma importancia así como una impresión que copie perfectamente el terminado de la preparación ya que de esto depende la adaptabilidade de la prótesis que permita la supervivencia de la restauración y el mantenimiento de la salud periodontal en la boca del paciente. En este estudio se compara la capacidad de tres materiales de impresión (2 siliconas por adición y 1 poliéter) para copiar el margen cervical de la preparación mediante las técnicas de doble hilo y cofia de trasferencia. Se utilizaron 96 primeros molares inferiores izquierdos divididos en 6 grupos de 16 c/u se restauraron los dientes con ionómero de vidrio, resina o poste colado según fuera el caso, se prepararon los dientes con terminación en chamfer, el grupo 1: técnica de doble hilo con silicone por adición (Silicona 1), grupo 2: técnica de doble hilo con poliéter, grupo 3: técnica de cofia de transferência con silicona (Silicona 1), grupo 4: técnica de cofia de transferencia con poliéter, grupo 5: Técnica de doble hilo con silicona (Silicona 2), grupo 6: Técnica de cofia con silicona (Silicona 2). Posteriormente fueron observados en el estereomicroscopio para evaluar la cantidad de burbujas e irregularidades en el margen cervical según la escala de Jokstad. Donde la prueba estadística de Chi-cuadrada con un nivel de confianza de < 0.05 no mostró diferencia estadística significativa entre las técnicas de impresión de doble hilo y la de cofia de trasferencia, independientemente del material usado. Aunque numéricamente la técnica de doble hilo se comportó mejor que la técnica de cofia por lo que se sugiere su uso.

In fixed prosthesis, the integrity of perfection of the margin is of utmost importance, as well as an impression that perfectly copies the finish of the preparations, since the adaptability of the prosthesis that ensures survival of the restoration and periodontal health depends on this. This study compares the capacity of 3 different materials (2 silicones addition and 1 polyether) to copy the cervical margin of the preparation in the impression between the techniques of double cord and coping. We used 96 lower left molars divided into 6 groups of 16 each. The teeth were restored with glass ionomer, resin or cast post and core depending on the case, the margins were finished in a chamfer (group 1), double thread with addition silicone (group 2), double thread with polyether, (group 3), coping with PVS, (group 4), coping with polyether, (group5) double cord with PVS (group 6), coping With PVS. They were subsequently evaluated in a stereomicroscope to observe the number of bubbles and irregularities in the cervical margin according to the Jockstad scale, where the Chi-square test with a confidence level of <0.05 showed no statistically significant difference between impression techniques and coping regardless of material used. Although numerically the double-thread technique behaved better than coping technique, so it is suggested its use.

Silicones , Dental Impression Technique , Dental Impression Materials
J. health sci. (Londrina) ; 20(2)30/06/2018.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-909318


Alginate is among the most used materials in dentistry to create teeth negative printing and reproduction. The goal of this study was to compare dimensional changes of alginate scanned impression materials. Thirty impressions of a standard typodont were performed using three types of alginate (Hydrogum 5; Jeltrate Plus and Avagel). The impressions were scanned by the scanner 3Shape R700T and scans were performed immediately after molding. The analysis of digital models were performed at OrthoAnalyzer ™ 3D software. Measurements were carried out in relation to the transverse dimension (intercanine, interpremolares and intermolar). Method error was evaluated through the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) and Bland-Altman. One-way ANOVA, Dunnet Post-test were used to compare the different groups in relation to Typodont (gold standard) for the different outcome variables. The data were tabulated in Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 20.0 and Minitab 17.0 softwares to compare groups. The significance level was 5%. The posterior transverse variables (D1PM, D2PM and DM) presented a statistically significant difference regarding the gold standard (Typodont) for the plaster models performed after the Avagel molding. In the digital models performed just after molding, only in DM, the Avagel material group presented values statistically higher than the control group. The alginates Hydrogum 5 and Jeltrate Plus presented dimensions closer to the gold standard.(AU).

O alginato está entre os materiais de moldagem mais utilizados na Odontologia para criar impressão e reprodução negativa dos dentes. O objetivo desse trabalho foi comparar alterações transversais de três marcas comerciais de alginato (Hydrogum, Jeltrate e Avagel) em moldes de alginatos. Trinta moldes de um Typodont padrão foram realizados, utilizando três tipos de alginato (Hydrogum 5; Jeltrate Plus e Avagel). Os moldes foram escaneados por meio do scanner 3Shape R700T e os escaneamentos realizados logo após a moldagem e logo após a obtenção dos modelos de gesso. As análises dos modelos digitais foram realizadas no software OrthoAnalyzer™ 3D. Foram realizadas mensurações em relação à discrepância transversal (inter-caninos, inter-primeiro pré-molar, inter-segundo pré-molar e inter-molares). O erro do método foi avaliado por meio do Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (CCI) e Bland-Altman. Utilizou-se Análise de Variância (one-way ANOVA, Pós-teste Dunnet) para comparação dos diferentes grupos em relação ao typodont (padrão-ouro) para as diferentes variáveis de desfecho. A análise estatística foi realizada nos programas Statistical Package for Social Sciences versão 20.0 e no programa Minitab 17.0 para comparação dos grupos. O nível de significância foi de 5%. As variáveis transversais posteriores (D1PM; D2PM e DM) apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significante em relação ao padrão-ouro (manequim) para os modelos de gesso realizados após a moldagem com Avagel. Nos modelos digitais realizados logo após a moldagem, apenas na DM, o grupo do material Avagel apresentou valores estatisticamente maiores do que o grupo controle. Os alginatos Hydrogum 5 e Jeltrate Plus apresentaram dimensões mais próximas do padrão-ouro.(AU).

Prosthes. Esthet. Sci ; 7(26): 64-70, 20180100. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-885147


O objetivo deste estudo foi mensurar e comparar a precisão dimensional de modelos de gesso confeccionados por meio de moldagem de impressão única (material pesado/fluído de uma única vez) com quatro diferentes marcas comerciais de silicone polimerizados por reação de adição (Express XT®, Futura®, Aquasil® e Virtual®). Inicialmente, foi confeccionado um modelo acrílico mestre, o qual possuía três pilares metálicos paralelos entre si e equidistantes 50 mm um do outro. Para obtenção dos moldes foram utilizadas cinco moldeiras individuais em acrílico, cujas faces externas adaptavam-se perfeitamente na base do modelo padrão, promovendo o "stop" de inserção da moldeira. Após o procedimento de moldagem e confecção dos modelos experimentais, foram medidas as distâncias entre os três cilindros e o diâmetro de cada cilindro. Essas medições foram feitas por três vezes em um mesmo ponto e, destas, criou-se uma média obtendo os resultados finais. Os valores das distâncias foram analisados estatisticamente por meio de uma análise bifatorial, e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (5%). Os dados demostraram que todas as marcas analisadas apresentaram alteração dimensional e diferiram entre si quando comparadas.

The objective of this study was to measure and compare the dimensional accuracy of plaster models made by only impression molding (heavy material/fluid at one time) of four different brands of polymerized silicone through addition reaction (Express XT®, Futura ®, Aquasil® and Virtual®). Initially, a master acrylic model was manufactured, which had three parallel metal pillars and equidistant 50 mm from each other. To obtain the impressions, we used five individual acrylic trays, whose external faces perfectly adapted to the standard model base, thus promoting the "stop" of molding insertion. Following the molding procedure and the experimental models manufacturing, distances between the three cylinders and the diameter of each cylinder were measured. These measurements were made three times at the same point, and from these average results were obtained. The distance values were statistically analyzed using a two-factor analysis and the means compared by Tukey test (5%). The data demonstrated that all the analyzed brands presented dimensional changes and differed from each other when compared.

Humans , Calcium Sulfate , Dental Impression Materials , Dimensional Measurement Accuracy , Silicone Elastomers , Silicones/chemistry
Rev. estomatol. Hered ; 28(1): 29-35, ene. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014003


Objetivos: Determinar la tasa de uso de materiales dentales en procedimientos de operatoria dental, cirugía bucal, impresión dental, cementación dental, base cavitaria, prevención, cementación en endodoncia, cementación de bandas ortodónticas en la Clínica Odontológica de la Unidad Académica de Salud y Bienestar de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Ecuador. Material y métodos: Se analizaron 31 materiales dentales y 7 insumos, en una clínica dental docente de Odontología en Ecuador. Se pesó el envase lleno, luego el envase vacío y se determinó la cantidad del peso real del producto en gramos, después se determinó el peso de cada porción y se calculó la tasa de uso (cantidad de porciones). Para los insumos se dividió la cantidad total de unidades entre el uso por intervención para hallar la tasa de uso, en ambos casos la tasa de uso sirvió para calcular el costo por unidad. Resultados: Las tasas de uso del componente líquido y del polvo del ionómero de restauración posterior son diferentes, superando uno al otro en una proporción de 2,04 a 1,00. Respecto a la silicona, el activador posee una tasa de 165; teniendo una proporción de 1,89 a 1,00 entre activador y silicona pesada. Conclusiones: La tasa de uso de materiales odontológicos ayudará a conocer el rendimiento exacto de los materiales que se emplearán para la práctica odontológica, y establecerán costos propios que van a variar dependiendo de la cantidad de materiales usados y calidad de servicio que brindemos.

Objectives: Determine the rate of use of dental materials in procedures of dental surgery, oral surgery, dental impression, dental cementation, cavitary base, provisional, prevention, cementation in endodontics, cementation of bands at the Dental Clinic of the Academic Unit of Health and Welfare from the Catholic University of Cuenca, Ecuador. Materials and methods: 31 dental materials and 7 supplies were analyzed in a dental dentistry teaching clinic in Ecuador. The filled container was weighed, then the empty container and the amount of the actual weight of the product in grams was determined, then the weight of each portion was determined and the usage rate (number of portions) was calculated. For the inputs, the total number of units was divided between the use by intervention to find the rate of use, in both cases the rate of use was used to calculate the cost per unit. Results: The rates of use of the liquid component and the dust of the posterior restoration ionomer are different, exceeding each other in a ratio of 2.04 to 1.00. Regarding the silicone, the activator has a rate of 165; having a ratio of 1.89 to 1.00 between activator and heavy silicone. Conclusions:The rate of use of dental materials will help to know the exact performance of the materials that will be used for dental practice, and will establish own costs that will vary from the quantity of materials used and quality of service that we provide.

Braz. dent. sci ; 21(1): 37-43, 2018. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-881830


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate dimensional stability and detail reproduction in alginate molds stored at different times and temperatures. Material and Methods: Three different commercially available alginates (Cavex Color Change, Jeltrate Plus and Hydrogum 5) were tested at four different times (0 - control, 1, 3 and 5 days) and two temperatures (25ºC and 37ºC) (n=5). The alginates were handled following the manufacturer's instructions. The impression procedures occurred in an environment with controlled room temperature (25ºC) and relative humidity (50±5%). A metallic model (ISO 1563:1990) was used to perform the impressions. The tray containing alginate remained on the metallic model under constant pressure (2 kgf) until the alginate gelation process. The molds were stored (different times and temperatures) and analyzed in stereomicroscope at 30x magnification and 0.5 µm accuracy (Olympus Measuring Microscope STM). The molds and the metallic model measurements were compared, and the data were statistically analyzed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov and three-way ANOVA tests, and the means were compared by Tukey test (5%). Results: The results showed no double interactions (p>0.05) and the different alginates presented statistically similar values of dimensional stability (p=0.102). However, 25ºC (temperature) and control group (time) showed the highest values of dimensional stability (p <0.05). Jeltrate Plus was the only material that presented inaccuracy in details reproduction. Conclusion: It is recommended that, for tested alginates, the stone casts should be poured immediately, even though the molds are dimensionally stable up to 5 days when stored at 25ºC.(AU)

Objetivo: O objetivo neste estudo foi avaliar a estabilidade dimensional e a reprodução de detalhes em moldes de alginatos armazenados em diferentes tempos e temperaturas. Material e Métodos: Foram testadas três diferentes marcas de alginato (Cavex ColorChange, Jeltrate Plus e Hydrogum 5), sendo que esses materiais foram armazenados por quatro diferentes tempos (0 - controle, 1, 3 e 5 dias) e duas diferentes temperaturas (25ºC e 37ºC) (n=5). Os alginatos foram manipulados seguindo as instruções do fabricante. A moldagem ocorreu em um ambiente com temperatura (25ºC) e umidade relativa (50±5%) controladas. Foi utilizado um modelo metálico (ISO 1563:1990) para a realização das moldagens. A moldeira contendo o alginato permaneceu sobre o modelo metálico sob pressão constante de 2 kgf até a geleificação do material. Em seguida, os moldes foram armazenados nos tempos e temperaturas testados, sendo posteriormente avaliados sob um microscópio comparador (Olympus Measuring Microscope STM) com precisão de 0,5 µm. As medidas dos moldes de alginato foram comparadas com as medidas do modelo metálico padrão, sendo os dados analisados estatisticamente pelos testes de Kolmogorov-Smirnov e ANOVA três fatores, sendo as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (5%). Resultados: Os resultados mostraram nenhuma interação dupla (p>0,05), sendo que os diferentes alginatos apresentaram valores de estabilidade dimensional estatisticamente semelhantes entre si (p=0,102). Já a temperatura de 25ºC e o grupo controle (tempo) mostraram os maiores valores de estabilidade dimensional (p <0,05). O Jeltrate Plus foi o único material que apresentou imprecisão na reprodução de detalhes. Conclusão: Recomenda-se que os alginatos testados tenham os modelos de gesso vazados imediatamente, apesar dos moldes serem dimensionalmente estáveis até 5 dias desde que armazenados a 25ºC. (AU)

Dental Impression Materials , Dimensional Measurement Accuracy
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 38(3): 27-33, set.-dez. 2017. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-881656


Este é um estudo cuja finalidade foi demonstrar as possíveis deformações que podem ocorrer nos modelos obtidos de moldes de alginato, dependentes da forma de vazamento. Foram obtidos 20 moldes de alginato da marca Hydrogum 5 (Zhermack, Badia Polesine, Italy), através de um modelo de resina acrílica previamente preparado, divididos em dois grupos de 10: com vazamento invertido e não invertido. Os modelos foram analisados por fotografias, mensurados por um programa de computação (Corel Draw X3 Graphics Suíte (Corel Corporation ­ USA) e comparados com o modelo padrão. Os resultados mostraram que os vazamentos invertidos e não invertidos apresentaram valores clínicos diferentes do modelo padrão, mas que na comparação entre as técnicas, dos quatro segmentos analisados, apenas um apresentou diferença estatística significante(AU)

This is a study whose purpose was to demonstrate the possible deformations that may occur in the models obtained from alginate molds, depending on the form of flow. 20 alginate molds of Hydrogum 5 (Zhermack, Badia Polesine, Italy) were obtained through a previously prepared acrylic resin model, divided into two groups of 10: with inverted and non inverted casting. The models were analyzed by photographs, measured by a computer program (Corel Draw X3 Graphics Suite (Corel Corporation - USA) and compared with the standard model.The results showed that inverted and non inverted flow presented clinical values different from the standard model, But that in the comparison between the techniques, of the four analyzed segments, only one presented significant statistical difference(AU)

Dental Impression Materials , Alginates